Samsung Afghanistan CSC Codes:
AFG: Afghanistan.
Samsung Albania CSC Codes:
AVF: Vodafone Albania (Branded).
Samsung Algeria CSC Codes:
TMC: Algeria.
Samsung Argentina CSC Codes:
ANC: Argentina.
ARO: Argentina.
CTI: Argentina (Claro).
UFN: Argentina (Movistar).
PSN: Argentina (Personal).
Samsung Australia CSC Codes:
XSA: Australia.
OPS: Australia (Optus).
TEL: Australia (Telstra).
HUT: Australia ( Three/Vodafone).
VAU: Australia (Vodafone).
Samsung Austria CSC Codes:
TTR: Austria.
ONE: Austria.
DRE: Austria (3 Hutchison).
MOB: Austria (A1).
ATO: Austria (Open).
TRG: Austria (Telering).
MAX: Austria (T-Mobile).
Samsung Baltic CSC Codes:
SEB: Baltic.
Samsung Bangladesh CSC Codes:
BNG: Bangladesh.
ETR: Bangladesh.
TML: Bangladesh.
Samsung Belgium CSC Codes:
XEB: Belgium.
PHB: Belgium.
PRO: Belgium (Proximus).
Samsung Bolivia CSC Codes:
BVO: Bolivia.
BVT: Bolivia.
BVV: Bolivia.
Samsung Bosnia and Herzegovina CSC Codes:
TEB: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ERO: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BHT: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH TELECOM).
Samsung Brazil CSC Codes:
ZTO: Brazil.
ZTA: Brazil (Claro).
ZTR: Brazil (Oi).
ZTM: Brazil (TIM).
ZVV: Brazil (VIVO).
Samsung Bulgaria CSC Codes:
BGL: Bulgaria.
GBL: Bulgaria.
MTL: Bulgaria (MTL).
VVT: Bulgaria (VVT).
Samsung Cambodia CSC Codes:
CAM: Cambodia.
Samsung Canada CSC Codes:
MTB: Belarus.
BMC: Bell Mobile.
XAC: Canada (Unbranded).
CHR: Chatr Mobile.
ESK: EastLink.
FMC: Fido Mobile.
GLW: Globalive Wind Mobile.
KDO: Koodo Mobile.
RWC: Rogers.
BWA: SaskTel.
TLS: Telus.
VTR: Vidéotron.
VMC: Virgin Mobile Canada.
Samsung Caucasus Countries CSC Codes:
CAU: Caucasus Countries.
Samsung Chile CSC Codes:
CHO: Chile.
CRC: Chile.
CHL: Chile (Claro).
CHE: Chile (Entel PCS).
CHX: Chile (Nextel).
CHT: Chile (Telefonica).
CHV: Chile (VTR).
Samsung China CSC Codes:
CHN: China.
CHM: China (China Mobile).
CTC: China (China Telecom).
CHC: China (Open China).
Samsung Colombia CSC Codes:
COO: Colombia.
COL: Colombia.
COM: Colombia (Comcel).
COE: Colombia (ETB).
COB: Colombia (Movistar).
Samsung Costa Rica CSC Codes:
ICE: Costa Rica.
Samsung Croatia CSC Codes:
TRA: Croatia.
CRG: Croatia.
DHR: Croatia (Bonbon).
TWO: Croatia (TELE2).
CRO: Croatia (T-Mobile).
VIP: Croatia (VIPNET).
Samsung Cyprus CSC Codes:
CYO: Cyprus (Cytamobile Vodafone).
CYV: Cyprus Vodafone.
Samsung Czech Republic CSC Codes:
ETL: Czech Republic.
XEZ: Czech Republic.
O2C: Czech Republic (O2C).
TMZ: Czech Republic (T-Mobile).
VDC: Czech Republic (Vodafone).
Samsung Denmark CSC Codes:
TDC: Denmark.
Samsung Dominican Republic CSC Codes:
CDR: Dominican Republic.
DOO: Dominican Republic.
DOR: Dominican Republic (Orange).
Samsung Ecuador CSC Codes:
ALE: Ecuador.
EBE: Ecuador.
ECO: Ecuador.
Samsung Egypt CSC Codes:
EGY: Egypt.
Samsung El Salvador CSC Codes:
ETE: El Salvador.
Samsung Fiji CSC Codes:
VFJ: Fiji (Vodafone).
Samsung France CSC Codes:
XEF: France.
ORC: France.
VGF: France.
FTB: France.
ORN: France.
NRJ: France.
BOG: France (Bouygues).
FTM: France (Orange).
SFR: France (SFR).
Samsung Germany CSC Codes:
DBT: Germany.
XEG: Germany (1&1).
EPL: Germany (E-Plus).
DDE: Germany (Congstar).
VIA: Germany (O2).
DTM: Germany (T-Mobile).
VD2: Germany (Vodafone).
Samsung Greece CSC Codes:
EUR: Greece.
COS: Greece (Cosmote).
VGR: Greece (Vodafone).
Samsung Guatemala CSC Codes:
PGU: Guatemala.
TGU: Guatemala.
CGU: Guatemala (Tigo).
Samsung Honduras CSC Codes:
CTE: Honduras.
Samsung Hong Kong CSC Codes:
TGY: Hong Kong.
Samsung Hungary CSC Codes:
XEH: Hungary.
PAN: Hungary (Telenor).
TMH: Hungary (T-mobile).
VDH: Hungary Vodafone.
Samsung India CSC Codes:
INS: India.
INU: India.
Samsung Indonesia CSC Codes:
XID: Indonesia.
XSE: Indonesia.
Samsung Iran CSC Codes:
THR: Iran.
Samsung Iraq CSC Codes:
MID: Iraq.
Samsung Ireland CSC Codes:
ANP: Ireland.
TSI: Ireland.
O2I: Ireland O2.
EIR: Ireland (eMobile).
MET: Ireland (Meteor).
3IE: Ireland (Three).
VDI: Ireland (Vodafone).
Samsung Israel CSC Codes:
ILO: Israel.
CEL: Israel (Cellcom).
PTR: Israel (Orange/Partner).
PCL: Israel (Pelephone).
Samsung Italy CSC Codes:
ITV: Italy.
HUI: Italy (H3G).
TIM: Italy (TIM).
OMN: Italy (Vodafone).
WIN: Italy (Wind).
Samsung Jamaica CSC Codes:
CWW: Jamaica.
JDI: Jamaica.
Samsung Kazakhstan CSC Codes:
SKZ: Kazakhstan.
Samsung Kenya CSC Codes:
AFR: Kenya.
KEN: Kenya.
Samsung Korea CSC Codes:
KTC: Korea (KT Corporation).
LUC: Korea (LG Uplus).
SKC: Korea (SK Telecom).
Samsung Libya CSC Codes:
BTC: Libya.
LYS: Libya.
Samsung Luxembourg CSC Codes:
LUX: Luxembourg.
Samsung Macedonia CSC Codes:
VIM: Macedonia.
MBM: Macedonia (T-Mobile).
Samsung Malaysia CSC Codes:
XME: Malaysia.
Samsung Mauritius CSC Codes:
MRU: Mauritius.
Samsung Mexico CSC Codes:
IUS: Mexico.
BAT: Mexico.
MXO: Mexico.
TMM: Mexico (Movistar).
TCE: Mexico (Telcel).
Samsung Montenegro CSC Codes:
TMT: Montenegro.
Samsung Morocco CSC Codes:
MAT: Morocco (MAT).
MED: Morocco.
MWD: Morocco (MWD).
Samsung Nepal CSC Codes:
NPL: Nepal.
Samsung Netherlands CSC Codes:
PHN: Netherlands.
XEN: Netherlands.
DNL: Netherlands (Ben NL).
KPN: Netherlands (KPN).
TNL: Netherlands (T-Mobile).
TPD: Netherlands.
VDF: Netherlands (Vodafone).
Samsung New Zealand CSC Codes:
NZC: New Zealand.
TNZ: New Zealand.
VNZ: New Zealand (Vodafone).
Samsung Nigeria CSC Codes:
ECT: Nigeria.
Samsung Nordic Countries CSC Codes:
NEE: Nordic countries.
Samsung Norway CSC Codes:
TEN: Norway (Telenor).
Samsung Pakistan CSC Codes:
PAK: Pakistan.
Samsung Panama CSC Codes:
PBS: Panama.
TPA: Panama.
PCW: Panama (Cable & Wireless).
CPA: Panama (Claro).
Samsung Papua New Guinea CSC Codes:
PNG: Papua New Guinea.
Samsung Paraguay CSC Codes:
CTP: Paraguay (Claro).
PSP: Paraguay (Personal).
TGP: Paraguay (Tigo).
Samsung Peru CSC Codes:
PET: Peru.
PNT: Peru (Nextel).
SAM: Peru (SAM).
PVT: Peru (Viettel).
Samsung Philippines CSC Codes:
GLB: Philippines (Globe).
XTC: Philippines (Open Line).
SMA: Philippines (Smart).
XTE: Philippines (Sun Cellular).
Samsung Poland CSC Codes:
XEO: Poland.
DPL: Poland (Heyah).
IDE: Poland (Orange).
PRT: Poland (Play).
PLS: Poland (PLUS).
ERA: Poland (T-Mobile)
TPL: Poland (T-Mobile).
Samsung Portugal CSC Codes:
MEO: Portugal.
OPT: Portugal (Optimus).
TMN: Portugal (TMN).
TPH: Portugal (TPH).
TCL: Portugal (Vodafone).
Samsung Puerto Rico CSC Codes:
PCT: Puerto Rico.
Samsung Romania CSC Codes:
ROM: Romania.
HAT: Romania.
COA: Romania (Cosmote).
ORO: Romania (Orange).
CNX: Romania (Vodafone).
Samsung Russia CSC Codes:
SER: Russia.
Samsung Saudi Arabia CSC Codes:
ACR: Saudi Arabia.
JED: Saudi Arabia.
KSA: Saudi Arabia.
WTL: Saudi Arabia.
XFU: Saudi Arabia (STC).
Samsung Serbia CSC Codes:
SMO: Serbia.
TSR: Serbia (Telekom).
MSR: Serbia (Telenor).
TOP: Serbia (VIP).
Samsung Singapore CSC Codes:
MM1: Singapore.
XSP: Singapore.
XSO: Singapor (Singtel).
SIN: Singapore (SingTel).
STH: Singapore (StarHub).
Samsung Slovakia CSC Codes:
ORS: Slovakia.
ORX: Slovakia.
SIO: Slovakia.
TMS: Slovakia.
IRD: Slovakia (Orange).
Samsung Slovenia CSC Codes:
MOT: Slovenia (Mobitel).
SIM: Slovenia (Si.mobil).
Samsung South Africa CSC Codes:
XFA: South Africa.
XFE: South Africa.
XFC: South Africa.
XFM: South Africa.
XFV: South Africa (Vodafone).
Samsung South America CSC Codes:
CRM: South America (Moviestar).
NBS: South America (Open Line).
Samsung South East Europe CSC Codes:
SEE: South East Europe.
Samsung Spain CSC Codes:
PHE: Spain.
FOP: Spain.
XEC: Spain (Movistar).
AMN: Spain (Orange).
AMO: Spain (Orange).
ATL: Spain (Vodafone).
YOG: Spain (Yoigo).
Samsung Sri Lanka CSC Codes:
SLK: Sri Lanka.
Samsung Sweden CSC Codes:
VDS: Sweden.
XEE: Sweden.
HTS: Sweden (Tre).
Samsung Switzerland CSC Codes:
AUT: Switzerland.
SUN: Switzerland.
ORG: Switzerland .
MOZ: Switzerland .
SWC: Switzerland (Swisscom).
Samsung Taiwan CSC Codes:
BRI: Taiwan.
WAN: Taiwan.
CWT: Taiwan.
Samsung Thailand CSC Codes:
THL: Thailand.
Samsung Trinidad and Tobago CSC Codes:
EON: Trinidad and Tobago.
TTT: Trinidad and Tobago.
Samsung Tunisia CSC Codes:
TUN: Tunisia.
Samsung Turkey CSC Codes:
TUR: Turkey.
TRC: Turkey.
Samsung Ukraine CSC Codes:
SEK: Ukraine (Kyivstar).
Samsung United Arab Emirates CSC Codes:
XSG: United Arab Emirates.
XSS: United Arab Emirates.
Samsung United Kingdom CSC Codes:
BTU: United Kingdom.
VIR: United Kingdom.
EVR: United Kingdom (EE).
H3G: United Kingdom (H3G).
O2U: United Kingdom (O2).
ORA: United Kingdom (Orange).
TMU: United Kingdom (T-Mobile).
VOD: United Kingdom (Vodafone).
XEU: United Kingdom / Ireland.
CPW: United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse).
Samsung United States CSC Codes:
LRA: Bluegrass Cellular.
BST: Boost Mobile.
CCT: Xfinity Mobile (Comcast).
XAR: Cellular South US.
AIO: Cricket Wireless.
GCF: Global Certification Forum.
ACG: Nextech / C-Spire.
CHA: Spectrum Mobile (Charter).
SPR: Sprint (CDMA).
TMB: T-Mobile USA.
TFN: Tracfone.
USC: US Cellular.
XAS: USA (Unbranded/Unlocked).
XAA: USA (Unbranded/Unlocked).
VZW: Verizon.
VMU: Virgin Mobile USA.
Samsung Uruguay CSC Codes:
UFU: Uruguay.
UPO: Uruguay.
UYO: Uruguay.
CTU: Uruguay (Claro).
Samsung Uzbekistan CSC Codes:
CAC: Uzbekistan.
Samsung Vietnam CSC Codes:
XXV: Vietnam.
Samsung Zambia CSC Codes:
MTZ: Zambia (MTN Zambia).
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